Friday, January 17, 2020

Mental health problems among older Adults

Risk factors for old age people (Geriatric Psychiatry disorders)

It has been seen worldwide that, old age people are mainly suffering by four common psychological disorders, such as: anxiety disorders, substance abuse, psychotic disorders & depression. During the age of 50-70 years, people find these kinds of disorders affecting mostly these old ages.
It has been found that, many therapies & medications are available for these kinds of disorders, but rapid increase in the rate of geriatric psychiatry disorders indicates that today’s running medications & therapies are not up to the mark we have achieved. Professional psychiatrists & young researchers need to bring a remarkable change in the therapy & consulting techniques to minimize the percentage of disorder.

Growth in the old age population means a direct increase in age-related diseases such as dementia and poor mental health outcomes such as depression, anxiety, suicide and serious constraints on the quality of life among elderly individuals.

Treatments like behavioral therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and cognitive bibliotherapy, problem solving therapy, brief psychodynamic therapy, and life review/reminiscence therapy are effective treatments normally applied on the old age generation.

Risk factors for mental health problems among older adults

There may be multiple risk factors for mental health issues at any point in life. Older individuals may experience life stress common to all people, but too stress that are more common in later life, like a critical continuous loss in capacities and a decrease in functional capacity. For illustration, older adults may experience reduced mobility, chronic pain, frailty or other health problems, for which they require a few form of long-term care.

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