Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Coronavirus (2019-nCV) may cause Irrational Fear, Anxiety, and Stigma

Coronavirus are the zoonotic viruses, i.e. they have been originated from animals & are capable of infecting humans. These are a colony of viruses consisting of many units & each of them has their own effects towards the humans. Usually, symptoms are mild, like a common cold coughs, runny noses, sore throats, migraines, fever and common laziness. But now and then a novel infection, which people have no guards against, can posture a deadly risk.

As 2019-nCoV, the coronavirus that begun in Wuhan, China, over the past few weeks, proceeds to spread to more than a dozen nations, it’s pivotal to get it what it does to the human body. It’s moreover vital to know who inside the populace at the most prominent hazard is. As with all infections, it is the foremost powerless: the youthful, the elderly and the chronically ill. In reality, numerous of the patients who have kicked the bucket in Wuhan, China, had existing conditions counting cirrhosis of the liver, hypertension and diabetes, concurring to the Chinese government wellbeing commission.

Many mental health specialists are admitting that, 2019-nCoV may cause irrational fear, Anxiety & stigma in human beings. As there is no vaccines still developed for this disease, this dangerous viral disease has been spread a global threat in everyone.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Global Headache for ASD (Autism spectrum disorder)?

Autism spectrum disorder is a complex developmental condition that includes major challenges in social interaction, non-verbal communication & restricted/ recitative behaviors. ASD mainly impacts the nervous system & affects the cognitive, emotional, social & physical health of the affected individuals.

Keys to remember:
  •        Treatment can help people to avoid this disease, but this disease can’t be cured.
  •         Lab test or imaging rarely required
  •         Chronic can lasts for lifelong

Symptoms overview:
  •         Difficulty in communication with other people
  •      Restricted interests & repetitive behaviors

Autism speaks in "PSYCHIATRY MEET 2020"
Early recognitions as well as behavioral, family & educational therapies may reduce the symptoms & support development with learning. From the early birth to 3 years of age, it is quite possible to reduce the effect of this disorder. Very few research studies have explained about the causes & effect of ASD, i.e. there are mainly three factors by which children are getting mostly affected, such factors are; environmental, biological & genetic factors. Most of the scientists believe that genes are the main impact factor of causing ASD in people. There is 90% chance that people having certain genetic or chromosomal conditions like fragile X-syndrome or tuberous sclerosis might be affected with ASD. Drugs like valproic acid and thalidomide, which are taken by the women during pregnancy, have been linked with a higher risk of ASD. It has been found that there exists a critical condition of getting affected with ASD before, during & after immediate birth of a child. Children born from older parents have a high risk of getting affected with ASD.

ASD continues to be an important public health concern & continuous increase in this disorder is now a big headache for the scientists as there are no medications still discovered to treat this disease. It is a urgent need to gather global psychiatrists, Doctors, professors, Medical professionals, Neurospecialists, Scientists, academic researchers, scholars & business personal to innovate a genuine solution to get of ASD.

Importance of Nutrition in Brain development

Importance of Nutrition in Brain development Early nutrition deficiencies can decrease synapse creation. Later nutrition deficienci...